> How To Start Blogging On Blogger 2020!

How To Start Blogging On Blogger 2020!

 Best blogging guide for Beginners!

how to start blogging on blogger

Hi and Welcome to Blogging!
In this article, we will discuss about how to start blogging on Blogger and will create a new blog. We will start at the very beginning step by step, with a discussion of - what is blogging, how to decide a blog topic and what you are going to blog about.

So, are you ready to be a blogger?
I hope so! Thank you for taking your starting journey with me.

There's a myth, that Blogging is too technical, you need to be expert on computer like html coding, JavaScript, CSS etc.

But don't worry - you don't have to be.

Just take it step by step and you'll quickly see this is something you can do and enjoy.
Even, if you do professionally you can earn money.

Let's get started!

Table of Content:

At first, we will discuss about what is blogging, what is blogger and difference between a blog and a website. Then, I'll tell you how to create a blog step by step.

What is blog/Blogging?

A blog or (web log) is actually a website that is constantly updated, while new article is published by Blogger and also it is a digital and informational platform where you can write anything what you like. It can be about your personal life, your skill, about story or anything else.

Here most interesting fact is, on this platform the whole world can be your readers. 

 At the same time, its aim is to attract more and more people and also to achieve some goal, whether it is a large community-building or growing a business, or also giving the right information to the people. 

What is blogger?

Usually, the person who posts on the blog is called a blogger.  Bloggers regularly upload content to their blog and users can retrieve the information they need and post comments or expressions there.  Also in recent times, blogging is becoming one of the most important means of freelance journalism. 

Difference between BLOG and Website?

The main difference between a blog and a website is that a website is updated irregularly and a blog (web log) is updated regularly. Specially, a website is used for business publicity.

Okay, now we all know what is blog, blogging and blogger.. 

But, now I am not going to sign in any blogging account. Before registering or setting up an account, there is a lot of consideration-

5 Steps before sign in to any Blogging Platform-

1. What is your blogging topic/niche?
2. What is the name of your blog?
3. Will you be the only one writer on your blog or are you a part of group who will be posting content?
4. Writing good content.
5. What about your blog design?

1. What to write about/Blogging topic or niche:

At first, you need to find out a topic or niche.

You can blog about anything you are interested or you can do, it can be cooking, baking, digital marketing, gaming, fashion, traveling etc. 
Also you can write about what you know. For example, I have knowledge on blogging, digital marketing, Business idea that's why I am writing on these topics to help my readers. 

You can share your memories of someone. Maybe you want to dedicate a blog to your grandfather or uncle who has served or is serving in the army or fought in a war.

You can write about your life, your experiences, your profession, your family, your hobby etc.

This section may help you to figure out your blogging topic or niche as well as your blog name.

Get out a piece of paper and open your word processor-
 1. Write down any topics that have captured your interest.

 2. Note any upcoming events, such as vacation, you may want to share.

 3. Are there any specific personal experiences that you have changed you as a person?

 4. Are any family members suffering from an illness, such as cancer, where you'd like to share their triumphs and battles?

When you are done, review your list and choose the topic you'd like to start with.

2. What is the name of your blog?

It's one of the most important part of a blog. You need to come up with a name for your blog, although you can change your blog name later, it can be a big deal on some platforms.
So take the time now to think about a name, before getting started.
The name of your blog should be related to its purpose, whether it's a personal journal, a fundraiser, a school project, or a professional blog about a service or product you provide.

For example, if you'll blogging about yourself, you may want to use your name. If you are using your blog for business, perhaps the blog name should be your company name or slogan, or it might describe the type of service you provide.

For example: I'm blogging on digital marketing tips, blogging tips etc. overall it's a learning platform. That's why, I have given this name - Online Grow 

3. Multiple writers:

 Still have trouble finding something to write about?
Or maybe you're afraid you're so busy. you won't have the time to post as often as you should, but you still want a blog that remains active, is updated regularly and keeps your customers and blog followers coming back.

Don't worry, you are not alone!
Many blog owners have ghost writers - people hire to write material on their behalf, as themselves. So, you may hire someone to help you (whether it is a personal blog or business blog).

By using additional authors, you can reduce the amount of work you personally have to do on your blog while providing your customers with frequent updates, keeping your blog active and therefore maintaining your online presence.

4. Writing Good Content:

One of the reasons you create a blog is to have lots of people follow its content. So, there are some basic tasks you should perform regularly.

Check Spelling and Grammar:

Many bloggers use Microsoft word to write up their posts, and then copy and paste the information into the post section.
If you want to use Microsoft word, then don't forget to use word's great spelling and grammar feature.
If you compose your post from within your blog, use the post editor's spell checker option in Blogger, Typepad and WordPress.

Stay focused: 

Keep each post focused on one particular topic, date or event. You may lose reader's attention if your post are too busy or contain too much information, or try to cover too many topics at once.

Besides appearing disorganized, it's too time consuming to read all the content. So you may lose readers.

Use Keyword: 

It's also a good idea to include keywords in your posts, in both the body part and the title part.
This helps potential customers find you on the internet when they search for those keywords.

The ultimate goal in using keywords is to have a search engine (like Google) rank your site on the first or two of search results.

Although it's important to use keyword, it is equally important not to overuse them. If you do, your site will be flagged as spam and will not show up at all on result pages.

5. Blog Design: 

What do you want your blog look like?
Have you ever seen other blogs that you absolutely love? 
So take some time now to start thinking about what you want your blog to look like.

* What colors do you like?
* What do you like about others sites?
  • Color
  • Font
  • Layout
  • Organization
All of these are important to note. If you want to reflect you, your personality and your likes on your blog, then these are really important.

You are not a good designer!!
 No need to worry - you don't have to be or hire a graphic designer to have a beautiful blog.

There are many website where you can get free templets you like Colorlib.
You don't need any graphic designer. Just download the theme and install in your blog.

Let's create a Blog:

Now, are you ready with your blog name and topic, blog design?
I hope so! 
Now it's time to start implementing your vision!
Now you'll get your hands dirty! You will actually begin blogging: you'll learn how to create a new blog and create your first blog post.

There are three most popular platforms - Blogger, TypePad and WordPress. With the economy struggling, many are interested in free blogging services - like blogger.

Blogger is free and allows full customization, but is it easy to use?

Absolutely!! Among three platforms, Blogger is the easiest, specially for those without having any prior blogging experience. Not only is it easy to create a blog, you'll find you can begin posting immediately, and use the toolbar to quickly insert an image and format text.
So blogger is very user-friendly and easy to follow.

Create A New Blog - Blogger!!

Things you need to start a blog:
1.  A mobile device/ a laptop /a computer etc.
2. Internet connection.
3. A Gmail account.
4. A domain.( In blogger you can use free blogspot.com subdomain).
6. A hosting.( In blogger platform, you don't need any hosting)
7. Most importantly quality content.

Let's follow step by step-

Step 1. Open your browser, go to Blogger. Click here www.blogger.com

Step 2. This brings you to blogger's home page.

Step 3. Click on the CREATE YOUR BLOG.

create a blog

Step 4. Create a Gmail account ( if you have, then sign in and skip this process).
 If you don't have a Gmail account read this article.

Step 5. Choose a name for your blog. Here you have to put in your blog name, you have decided.

create a blog

Step 6. Then choose a URL and check availability. Try to choose a URL according to your blog name, if there is available.

create a blog

Step 7. Now confirm your blog name.

create a blog

Step 8. Now your blog is ready to set-up.
Isn't easy!? 

create a blog

Step 9. Now go to the Theme option, and choose a theme, you like. Here you can install custom theme.

Now go to the setting, and fill up all details step by step-

create a blog

10. Setting:

  • Title: your blog name.
  • Description: write about your blog.
  • Blog language: select the language, you want to use.
  • Adult content: If there is any adult content click the link button to warn your blog readers. If not then leave it.
  • Google analytics property ID: By this option you can track your blog like how much traffic ( readers) is coming, they like your blog or not etc. I'll write another article on this topic.
  • Favicon : You have to create a logo for your blog and upload here. Some free logo maker websites :
  • Visible to search engine: Click here to available your blog to search engine ( Google, Bing etc.)
  • Blog address: Here you blog address is shown.
  • Custom Domain: In blogger, google give us a subdomain that is blogspot.com, which is free of cost. But you can buy a custom domain i.e. .com, .in, .org etc.
  • HTTPS redirect: Click here to ensure that http ( which is not secure) redirect to HTTPS.
  • Blog Admins and Author: Here you can check your blog admin and author ( in my blog it's me)
  • Pending author invites: Here you can check your pending author invites.
  • Invite more authors: You can invite more authors to your blog.
  • Reader access: You can private your blog from readers.
Meta tags: Enable this option and write your blog type, blogging topic etc.

Crawlers and Indexing:
  • Enable custom robot TXT.
  • Custom robot.txt : Here you have to add a sitemap.
  • Then enable custom robots header tags.
  • Google search console: Here you have to create a account on Google search console to know google about your blog.
Monetisation: By this option, you can add Google AdSense advertisement on your blog.

Manage blog: Here you can import your blog content, can take back up also you can remove your blog.

General: Go to user profile and fill all information about you what you want to show.

11. Theme:  Different type of free blogger theme available here. Choose according to your choice. Next article I will tell you how can you install a theme to your blog.

create a blog

12. Layout: 

create a blog

13. View Blog: Click the view Blog link to open and view your blog in a browser window. I will do this shortly, after creating a new post.

14. New Post: When you click on new post from the Dashboard, a screen appears where you can write a new post. 

Generally, you have to start by entering a title, then you write some content in the large text box . You can categorise your post by entering a label and finally click on the publish to make to viewable to the world.

create a blog

15.  Post: Sometimes you'll need to edit an existing post or simply delete one. To do this, click on post button, then click on the post. To delete it, click on the Delete button. Also you can draft you post.

create a blog

16. Stats: Here you can check your viewers or readers stat.

17. Comments: Here you can check your post comments.
Layout: You customize your blog layout.
Pages: Here you have to create some pages for your blog like privacy policy, about us, disclaimer, terms and conditions etc.

18. Earning: Here you can apply for a Google Adsense approval.

Finally your blog is ready to show and you become a blogger.
Let's view your blog.

create a blog

Elements in your blog is called gadgets. There are already default gadgets in sidebar, including about me, Followers and Archives. You can also add extra gadgets to your blog.

Okay, I hope this article helps you to start Blogging on Blogger.
If you like my article, you can share it.
Stay connected.

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